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Meeting the parents!

Post 1


OK, so Ive agreed to go over to watford for the weekend in a couple of weeks time and meet Geds mum and dad smiley - yikes I've not met anyones parents before in that sense and I'm terrified! other peoples parents tend to reduce me to a stuttering 10 wreck feeling about 10 years old n looking at my shoes at lot smiley - laugh
Will it be as nerve wracking as i expect? Will i make a terrible impression? any tips ,do's don'ts n so on?
Josh will be going with me to stay so hed better be on his best behaviour! Also we go n see Charlie and the chocolate factory while were there and Ged says his dad will prolly pay for us all, i'd prolly feel bad letting him do so on a first i being daft there?

Meeting the parents!

Post 2


It'll be fine Serephina smiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

Though admitedly i spent most of my time when meeting Serephina's parents going "er... hi" smiley - blush

Meeting the parents!

Post 3


you got to say a quick hello n run though! You werent invited over for a formal grilling smiley - winkeye my parents have never been all that iinterested in who I'm seeing weird anti social creatures they are ...

Meeting the parents!

Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

just be your adorable self! smiley - winkeye

Ged likes you enough to meet his parents so there must be somethinggood in you!

Meeting the parents!

Post 5

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Meeting the parents is a doddle. Just wait till you try to get both sets of parents to meet each other...

Meeting the parents!

Post 6


Oh thats never gonna happen! smiley - laugh

My dad managed not to meet my mums parents tillI was 16 jammy sod! Im obviously not going to get away with that though

Meeting the parents!

Post 7


Its only fair i go though seeing as hes met my mum and dad, Josh, my best mate my sis in law and my nephews! oh and my brothers heckled us out the window on the way past in his car...smiley - laugh

Meeting the parents!

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ooh.. When do I have to tidy up for you visit? smiley - doh

Meeting the parents!

Post 9


You know id love to come and see you Mum and of course id drag stinky pants n bigger stinky pants with me ,so i will soon promise!

what were E&T (<alien&gtsmiley - winkeye like with hubby when you first met him? I ask as were having a bit of the jealousies with Josh..

Meeting the parents!

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Aaah.. mine were about 9 and 11 when Pete and I met.. and being girls they were all over him!

Josh is likely to be the "man of the house" and will be concerned about you getting hurt. This is something you need to nip in the bud I think..

mum xx

Meeting the parents!

Post 11


Hes getting better... He was very hyper and easily upset the first couple of times Ged came over and hes more himself now..but can still get a bit jealous..little things like i have to up at the crack of dawn with him cos if i stay asleep im leaving him out, or having to sit between us at all times smiley - groan Its not like he 'has' been left out though! apart from the summer meet the only thing we've done without him since they meet is nip to the pics saturday afternoon n thats only cos the film was too old for him to come too!

Meeting the parents!

Post 12

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think he feels he is protecting you.. smiley - hug

Meeting the parents!

Post 13


POssibly..I think it would be unconcious though.

Meeting the parents!

Post 14

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Very likely.. he might relax when you relax more.. smiley - cuddle

Meeting the parents!

Post 15


I'm pretty relaxed...Very relaxed for me in fact! smiley - blush I'm not usually half as comfortable with people ive known for years

Meeting the parents!

Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Good.. hopefully Josh will begin to come round more.. and will give you a little more time to yourself.. smiley - winkeye

Meeting the parents!

Post 17


Maybe hes scared of being hurt again himself..he got very attached to that complete git lawrence n felt rejected when he left,especially as it was for someone else and her boy!hed spent ages asking if he could come n live with us n be dad n stuff (totally off his back) n then did that to him!

Meeting the parents!

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

That makes a lot of sense!.. I wasn't aware of that smiley - cross

I must admit that only Pete was allowed to get close to the girls.. and one other person who was a good friend to me years ago.. he helped me to find my feet again.. smiley - smiley

Meeting the parents!

Post 19


It was 4 years ago but could be hes still affected! Hes going back to CAMS friday morning,so i can find out if hes going to have counselling or anything, that will prolly help here too i hope.

Meeting the parents!

Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Josh is old enough to remember that.. smiley - cuddle

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