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I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 1



got josh some new shoes today after he wrecked another pair of trainers(kills a pair in a few weeks)n they measured his feet..31/2 !n his new school shoes are a size 4!no wonder hes been moaning about sore feet recently

size 4 though..hes only just 8!ive given birth to a yeti!smiley - yikes

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 2


smiley - bigeyes

I'm weird, I've got a size seven and a size sixsmiley - erm

smiley - drunk

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 3


smiley - tongueout from size 12 yeti

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 4


at least ill be able to get experienced yeti care advice from your mumsmiley - winkeye

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 5

I'm not really here

Blimey, J is 10 and he's only just gone into a size three!

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 6


that sounds about right to me.poor jo was still wearing size 2/3..mustve had a growth spurt just n his feetsmiley - silly

scary thing is they dont look big for him!

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 7

I'm not really here

If he was wearing leather shoes, then they probably stretched so he wasn't too cramped up.

I am the mother of bigfoot!!

Post 8

Mol - on the new tablet

My 8 year old daughter takes a size 3 and her six year old sister takes a size 1. I take size 8 - proper big size 8, not the continental size 41 which is too small smiley - cross.


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