This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 1


smiley - flusteredsmiley - yikes

Theres me trying to sort out this dimwitted computer this morning with an adware remover n whatnot n jo was playing with the hamster..he then appears with her in a zip up make up bag n her fur caught in the zip! As i tried to free her she went for his fingers.. first time shes ever bitten i cant say i blame her!

I dont want anymore children! smiley - cross

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

No, i can't blame her either, Jo really should let her rest, as she's been awake during the night. But they do have very sharp teeth an a bite of them is deep and will hurt and bleed much smiley - yikes

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 3


Shes active at all sorts of tims n always ready to come out n play! Nt very typical for a hamster at all. Thats the first time shes ever bitten..shesvery gentle and good natured so he mustve really hurt her smiley - sadface shes forgiven him though..even ithough he had a tantrum n tried to blame her then 'hated' me for taking her side!

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 4


I'm bloody glad im going away for a long weekend in a couple of gonna need the time out from all the recent stress! smiley - laugh

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

We had hamsters, they were so sweet, it was horrible when they died and that's why I decided we'd never again have a hamster, they don't live long enough, so their death is a very tearful event,which I can do without.
Where will you go ? Blackpool ?

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 6


I didnt intend to get a hamster, i was thinking about another rat! but she just looked at me as if to say take me home n i couldnt resist! smiley - blush

No im not going to be able to do the blackpool meet now ,im throughly skint n its coming up for jos birthday and im expecting a bit of a horrid im going to wales for a couple of days instead.

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

Just make sure that you'll have a great time, wherever you go smiley - ok

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 8


Oh i intend to smiley - winkeyesmiley - devil

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 9


smiley - whistlesmiley - smoochsmiley - winkeye

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 10


'watches cat dig out of bag n make a run for it'

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 11


nah he's asleep on the sofa smiley - cat

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 12


What are you up to on my puter? Im on digibox n jo won't let me see!

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 13


he's posting rude comments about you

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 14


'investigastes' smiley - bigeyes

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 15


smiley - yikes bloody cheek!

smiley - tongueout

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 16


ATTENTION Serephina fans:

Serephina's computer has gone kaput and she's lost the controller for her digibox, so she may have be only posting intermittently, if at all.

smiley - wah

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 17


smiley - tongueout

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 18


anyone miss me then?smiley - diva

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 19


Me smiley - smooch

Children and animals dont mix!

Post 20


smiley - blush

i thought youd be enjoying some peacesmiley - winkeye

smiley - smooch

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