This is the Message Centre for Serephina


Post 41


yeah a 'know smiley - sadface

I might go in for a bit later..dont like to let them down completely


Post 42

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I'm back, hubby's finished....for nowsmiley - biggrin we really need a second compsmiley - laugh

I thought I had an interview today, but the bloke never rang back, he was supposed to , I really hate that, they say they will ring, but they don'tsmiley - wah

felling very floaty smiley - smiley


Post 43


youre only sposed to get that cross when a man says he'll calll n doesnt smiley - laugh


Post 44

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I know what you mean, but sometimes when looking for a job, I feel like I am having to 'chat' up a potential mate smiley - ermsmiley - laugh, I am going for about a job a day, putting in resumes everywhere, but don't feel like I am getting anywhere, I have to decide this week wether I have to go back to the mill smiley - yuk , not what I want, but child support did an audit of me last week, and due to a change in the way they work things things out, I now owe them a small fortune going back 5 yearssmiley - wah so I will have to go back to the mill to pay them, while I appeal the ruling (which can take up to six months)

this is why I am a bit smiley - blue an have been a bit quietsmiley - erm


Post 45


smiley - cuddle

you where i am if you want to talk offline..

[email protected]

i rarely use msn now


Post 46

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - ta angel> face

I'll use it tomorrow, I'm to loolally right nowsmiley - tongueout, sometimes I just find I can't post heresmiley - erm

I'm off to smiley - zzz now

have a good day if you decide to go insmiley - biggrin

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