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cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 61


I'd best go see what my boys are doing in a mo..not seen them for a little while..smiley - erm

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 62

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

tick tack tick ... lil me watch-ing

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 63

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hi Aunty Lilsmiley - biggrin

Yeah I want the franchise cos they have already made all the mistakes an they give you training, an advertising, an support, it maybe a bit expensive to get into, but 80% of small business fail in 3 years, but only 20% of franchises fail in 3 years, so we will most likely go with the franchise, he's just worried about the up front money is all, $19000 is alot of moneysmiley - erm

this is one of the very few disagreements we have ever had

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 64


But as you say the success rate is good so it should be worth it smiley - ok

found the boys..bloody fighting smiley - cross

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 65

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

boys will be boys smiley - laugh

It'll all work out in the end, am still researching it so we will see, not in any real hurry, so that is good, might even go an do a course at the local community college (T.A.F.E) in business, an then decide

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 66


That might be an idea..

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 67

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Helly, I can understand your confusion... it is a big decision to make and you both must be in agreement from the beginning.

I wish you luck!

smiley - ok

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 68

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - ta we won't be doing anything till after xmas Lil, as we want to go to NZ for a holiday, once you have your own business, you just can't up an go on holiday..........he just does't like the magenta an black shirts of the franchise I think smiley - laugh they certainly are bright!

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 69

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Not a *Man's* colour then?

smiley - laugh

Yeah, you will find that a lot of your time will be swallowed up. It is your business and will be a 24/7 concern! A lot to lose if the commitment is not there in the beginning.

Take your holiday to NZ and think again on your return. The opportunity will still be there at a later date!

smiley - cuddle

lil xx

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 70

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

the colours are bright, but stand out, they will be remembered!

that is why I am going back to the mill this we can go away before we commit to anything smiley - biggrin

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 71

Researcher 220282

smiley - run>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smiley - puff

afternoon all smiley - smiley

heli hows life down under? oh and smiley - whistle I've just seen your photo smiley - biggrin...

hi Lil hows you smiley - smiley

*now wheres that daugther of mine*

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 72

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

just realised that photo is at least 6 years old <erm, was taken just before I got my dragon arm band tatooo, an here I thought it was only about 4 year oldsmiley - blush

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 73

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I'm fine thank you Jonathan!

Sere? Probably talking to smiley - loveblush

Seems to keep her occupied most of the time now!!

smiley - laugh

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 74

aka Bel - A87832164

hello all, hope you are fine smiley - biggrin
Helly, I've seen that photo, it's way too small to recognise anything, liked the tattoo-pics more smiley - laugh

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 75

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I have found some of my big dragon, to post when I get them scanned, then you will have much to smiley - drool over.........I had to send a low res pic cos my email will only send small attachment, but doing a workaround so may yet send Az a better version......

smiley - biggrin

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 76

aka Bel - A87832164

How many MBs can you send ? Doesn't seem to be much, which is a pity smiley - sadface

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 77

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

less than 1MB, an the high res pic was 1.01 smiley - sadfaceI think if i chop it down it may come under that, but my comp doesn't like sending emails at the mo, it keeps having fits........

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 78

aka Bel - A87832164

1MB should be sufficient for a good photo, but I'm no expert on that, I usually just send the ones hubby has already minimized, - that is, the choice is rather his than mine smiley - erm

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 79

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

this paticular photo cmae in at 1.1MB when scaned, I know photos taken on a digital camera come in at a lot less, but cos this was a glossy photo that makes it biggersmiley - erm an since the comp crashed a while back, we lost the software for our secondhand camera, an haven't found a replacement for it

cough syrup,badgers and zen..

Post 80


no I fell asleep while the boys were playing ps2 smiley - blush ,not seen smiley - loveblush today. I think I might disappear down the chippy in a mo

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