This is the Message Centre for Serephina

My space

Post 1


After lots of nagging from DA smiley - tongueout ive jpined my space
come talk to me

My space

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Somewhere else for me to get lost in!!smiley - wah

My space

Post 3


Ah! The dreaded myspace. I've been there a while, but I've not used it for some time now. sentyou a friend request though.

My space

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Keep posting here though, eh, love? It's hard to keep track of where to log on sometimes smiley - biggrin

My space

Post 5


Why dreaded?

hmm i might do..there never seems to be much going on here lately though

My space

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

Is that why you have cleared your PS? Because you're bored with the site and don't want anything to do with us anymore? I'd be very sad if that was the case...

My space

Post 7


i get bored with my ps n wipe it at least once a year smiley - winkeye

My space

Post 8

Skankyrich [?]

Good - as long as you're not filling a removal van with it all smiley - winkeye

My space

Post 9


It can be just a little bit tempramental sometimes and it's not as interactive as H2 really. It's more of a basic chat site really.

My space

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

I've had a very close look at myspace - about a year or half a year ago: I hated it, the ads, the photos people put up there, the viruses and trojans - sorry, Sereph, I'm not going to seek you out there.

My space

Post 11

Brown Eyed Girl

I friended you, Sereph.

My space

Post 12


I clicked & looked; it immediately went into French & bombarded me with scary pop-up ads, warning i had visited an "adult" site & this could affect my computer security, credit card rating & generally totally screw up my life.

I know all this is a heap of merde designed to get me to click on something that really *will* bring me a heap of merde; but honestly, i don't need it. I already spend ages deleting spam just because ONCE i paid for something online by credit card.

*yes, i know spam filters exist, but having been finally persuaded to install an anti-virus thingy, which makes booting up the computer a 15 minute task, i am unwilling to add more nonsense to it)

I can't keep track of everybody's different blog sites; individual blogs are fine for using as a sort of diary which is occasionally opened up by others, but it's not the same as this place really, which has input from various sections of the site;the "community" aspect is quite important to me, the crossover from different threads, topic drift, links to Guide Entries etc. plus i find h2g2 very "user friendly", i am constantly saying "Huh?" smiley - huh on these other sites, trying to find my way around.

So; i wish you a happy time on your blog, but please don't be upset if i don't join you there.smiley - hug


My space

Post 13


I don't think it's MySpace that is the problem directly. It's all the things that are connected to it. The jazzing up your page sites, although I am guilty of using one of them, but only the one that the creator of the site recommends.

My space

Post 14

Detective Armani

I didn't nag that much. Just encouraged. smiley - laugh

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