This is the Message Centre for Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club


Post 1

David R. Litwin

Hello. I'm Presently. I'm an A. C. E. (commonly known as Ace). There are quite a few of us. We go round greeting new-commers like yourself and generally helping out where we are needed. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask me or any of the other A. C. E.'s. If you'd like a few places were you can start a conversation, I've got plenty of them (just ask and I'll tell you where they are) and I'm sure that there is at least one on-line pub type place here on H2G2 where you can play snucker (no idea on teh spelling). I don;t mean a real pub; a conversation, of course. Ok. that's about it for now. Happy conversing.


Post 2

David R. Litwin

Addendum: don't mind the spelling; it's attrocious. smiley - winkeye

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