This is the Message Centre for Researcher 191441

Welcome to h2g2 :)

Post 1


Hello there - I'm DoctorGonzo, one of h2g2's Assistant Community Editors. We're here to greet new people, and answer any questions you may have. Just hit reply, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. smiley - smiley

I see that your page has been moderated - this could be for a number of reasons. As h2g2 is a part of the BBC, it has to follow certain rules. You should have been sent an email to see why your page is down. If you click on 'edit page', what you wrote should still be there. Edit it to remove whatever the moderators didn't like, and you'll be fine smiley - biggrin

I have a welcome page at A663699 to help you get used to h2g2, and find out what we're all about. Have fun smiley - smiley

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Welcome to h2g2 :)

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