This is the Message Centre for northender1

are you hiding!!!!

Post 1


hello jim,just realised how long it is since i saw you online...cant e-mail cos your addy is in the one that went down,and cant remember it!!!!i hope everything's okay smiley - loveand that youre keeping well,and hazel too.look forward to hearing from you soon.take care.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxx

are you hiding!!!!

Post 2


hi Sal,no im not hiding....i dont know wether i mentioned it or not but hazel & i got our first pc a couple of mths ago, & has u can imagine it as opened up an all new world to us.Anyway i just thought i would come on h2g2 fora change.Hope ur all well there...we r fine were off down to st ives on sunday for 2wks...will msg u when we get back......LOVE jIM xxxxxxx

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