This is the Message Centre for Andy

Greetings Matey

Post 1


Heave Ho Me old gibbeing matey

Every thing smiley - ok

Greetings Matey

Post 2


Sound Mate How are you

Just listening to purple Rain By Prince what a tune Man smiley - wow

Greetings Matey

Post 3


So hows the book club reveval going smiley - smiley

Greetings Matey

Post 4


smiley - laugh I haven't had time as yet i was working today smiley - laugh and now i am going to have a smiley - alesmiley - rofl

Greetings Matey

Post 5


There is plenty of tinw to set it out. Any plans and ideas yet smiley - smiley

Greetings Matey

Post 6


I will mull it over with a pint Of J smiths smiley - laughIts been warm here all day got a thirst smiley - rofl

Greetings Matey

Post 7


Mulled ale smiley - smiley its been very mild here as well. Let me know it you want any helpsmiley - cheers

Greetings Matey

Post 8


will do how is it where you are mate

Greetings Matey

Post 9


Very good as it happens work not bad, beer in the fridge, things could be a lot worse.

Greetings Matey

Post 10


you was working as well thought it was only us smiley - laugh

Greetings Matey

Post 11


Well someone has tosmiley - laugh

Greetings Matey

Post 12


i Know mind you we would get more money less tax if we was on the Rock N Roll smiley - winkeye

Greetings Matey

Post 13


Yes well but life would slow up somewhat. smiley - ale finnished yet fancy another smiley - cheers

Greetings Matey

Post 14


Yes it didn't touch the side smiley - laugh

Greetings Matey

Post 15


Well as long as it touches the toungesmiley - ale

Greetings Matey

Post 16


smiley - laughdon't think it did cant drink to much i am driving tomorrow smiley - wah

Greetings Matey

Post 17


Me to but it keeps the bar bill down smiley - smiley

Greetings Matey

Post 18


smiley - rofl

Greetings Matey

Post 19


smiley - cheers

Greetings Matey

Post 20


by smiley - bleep its to warm i am seriously going to do a rain dance in the back garden later better have a couple of smiley - ale First smiley - laugh

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