This is the Message Centre for Andy

none of us are around much now a days

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

So droped by to say a big hheellloooo and give you this
smiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - biggrin
Hope your keeping well?
My guess is you may be don the van on ur hols with it being easter
Hope u have a good time and say hello to brutus for me if hes still aroundsmiley - laugh
Take care and hopefully catch up soon.
We will have to play some pool together soon im getting realy good at it now the trouble is when i win someone they dont want to play against me again lol they go off in a huff smiley - laugh

Bye for now. smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

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none of us are around much now a days

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