This is the Message Centre for Andy

Hiya Intern, from Taamyu

Post 1


Hello there!
How are you? smiley - tea I'm fine smiley - biggrin just very sleepy lol.

Well, Intern, I think it's time to change my space a little bit. And I'll try to use GuideML instead of Plain text.
I understand basic? usage of tag(only colour, font size, marquees.. lol)(hope so lol)
But I don't know much about how to use tag.
So could you tell me how to use it. Especailly about "frame?" (not boxes which I'm typing to this message to your message BOX) but a kind of border? with colours (like Folder Arms page which you show here)
I'm very happy if you can help me smiley - kiss

AAAaaawwwww I want to chat to you without 'HELP ME' smiley - rofl

Have a Lovely Weekend smiley - tea

oops, as I wrote in my journal, the time difference between the UK and Japan has become 8 hours instead of 9 hours as the UK began the SUMMER TIME today!!! We don't have summer time nor winter time, our time difference has become 1 hour shorter than winter time smiley - ok
Now, Japan is 8 hours ahead to the UK smiley - tea

Looking forward to hearing from you soon smiley - rose

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Hiya Intern, from Taamyu

Post 2


Intern smiley - hug

I have one more question.
As I regeisted from "Talk London" fo LDN, it seems that my space has some differences from Hootoo.
For example, as you can see, my journal is not like yours and ti looks "DNA hub"'s journal.
Is it possible to change my space like yours?
Of course there is no problem even I can't my space. But if it's possble, I'm very happy to know how to do it.

smiley - sorry for disturbing your precious time with my smiley - yuk questions.
Looking forward to cahtting to you soon smiley - tea


Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Hiya Intern, from Taamyu

Post 3



i will help no problem at allsmiley - smiley

for geting a border you wil need to use border in your guide ml

WIDTH="100" BORDER="8"
Put text here!!!!!

You can change the hight and width also change the color to whatever
you want

as for the second question

what you have done is registerd in D.N.A hub i didnt go through
hub when i registerd

try this link

it should get you on the same thing as me but im not sure if it will take your home page as well so...

if that dosent happen use the above link and register from that

try that any problems im here smiley - oksmiley - hug

Hiya Intern, from Taamyu

Post 4


smiley - ta Intern

It's very kind of you to help me smiley - wow
I'm very happy that you are MY ACE smiley - blush

I'll try and see what will happn.
I hope there is no problem smiley - smiley

See you soon, Intern smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Hiya Intern, from Taamyu

Post 5


Hiya again smiley - smiley

Is it possible to put my own photographs on the space? I have some beautiful cherry blossoms photos and it'll be lovely if I can see you the Japanese cherry blossoms smiley - rainbow
It's time to Cherry blossoms in Japan, this means Spring has come smiley - musicalnote

smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Hiya Intern, from Taamyu

Post 6



well im not a Ace now not for a long while smiley - laugh
but if you want me to be your UNoffical ace i can manage that see its you smiley - smiley

yeh if you have a scanner you put it in the scanner it uploads it to your computer then i think you just cut and paste to wherever you want

you can put it in whats called my photo's its in your click here to begin or where you close yor computer down

click that go to documents
sub page comes up then click on that away you go

if you see a picture you like right click it save as then my pictures

if you then go back to it in my pictures it will be there if you right click again and go to st as wallpaper/background it comes up on your desk top when its all loaded up smiley - smiley

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