This is the Message Centre for Andy

Just called to say hello.

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

HIya nice to see a familiar face although strange.
How are you doing?
Long time no speak. smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

Just called to say hello.

Post 2


how do im good smiley - ta

hows every one at your end

Just called to say hello.

Post 3

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Glad your well.
M as been poorly ok now though im down with another cold and hurt my backsmiley - grr but otherwise ok.
Your night off then i take it?
What you been up to?

Just called to say hello.

Post 4


smiley - sorryto hear m wasnt well say hello from me
hope you are better soon as well

surfing avoiding h2g2 at the moment geting board with it

how about you

Just called to say hello.

Post 5

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

I will say hi to him for you. smiley - smiley
Im not around on line much myself nowa days same as you bored with it. i tend to do emails to keep them down and only in h2 every few days or so.
You came across any good sites you like to use?
I dont go anywhere anymore.
I have yahoo messanger that i get the odd message i check every few days but thats it.

Ive been out alot though spending my compansationsmiley - biggrin

Just called to say hello.

Post 6


no not realy i have been on different game sites smiley - laugh but
thats realy is about all i have seen

Just called to say hello.

Post 7

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

oo a game adictionsmiley - laugh
Do you play Yahoo pool i was gonna try it earlier but my pc crashed on mesmiley - laugh so gave it a miss ive not played it before but i just fancied giving it a gosmiley - biggrin i tell you what i do tend to do though go in gamed on LD smiley - biggrin

Just called to say hello.

Post 8


ld i cant get in it tells me the place has closed and thanks for every ones custom

no i havent tryed it do you need to log in tho

Just called to say hello.

Post 9

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

haa go to my space look at my links i have a link for ld im in ld games now so u can use my link if you wantsmiley - biggrin

Im still using Mrs D,C smiley - biggrin
Brings back memoriessmiley - smiley

Yeh you will have to create a yahhoo account just do it through myahoo.

You still not gave me your email address yet eithersmiley - wah

M just woke up he says hello and said will you email him as you not replied to his last couple.

Just called to say hello.

Post 10

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

opsss forgot to say if your going in LD and want to stay on h2 just go to whos on line first and click on my name to get the link ok?

Just called to say hello.

Post 11


i will get the addy to you asap

i am haveing problems i have wrote this out it gets to the end
of the line and tappers off it booted me to my space when i
tryed to delete it

im starting the digibox users appresaion socity smiley - laugh

Just called to say hello.

Post 12

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

ive hurd that before.
You got my new email addy have you? My Sachiel one? send me a email now then i will have it you can still stay on h2g2 just open another windowsmiley - biggrin

Your pc may need a defrag how often do you defrag i usually do mine every couple of days it keeps it running smoothly and is realy inportant to do.

Are you now let me know when its up and running and i will see if i can help you out with it in some way ok?

Just called to say hello.

Post 13


i have not done it wouldnt know how smiley - laugh

yeh ill do e-mail tomorowsmiley - ok

Just called to say hello.

Post 14

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

oh dear right go to my computer then go to local disk
right click on local disk go to propertys then tools thats it it will take a while to defrag so your best doing it at night when your not useing your pc can take hours.
do it soon though as its realy inportant it will sort all your files up and make your pc run smoothly.

you do have a antivirus as well dont you? thats inportant too.

Ok please dont forget the emailsmiley - smiley
Im haveing fun with these games in Ld you go have a few games bring back the memories your have to use a old name or create one. you could use your P***Y name you still had that didnt you smiley - smiley
Just go to pals list now and click on my name go in to my links and its the first link on the list

Just called to say hello.

Post 15


ok ill have a look tomorow

yep been on beat it at black jack againsmiley - laugh

Just called to say hello.

Post 16

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - cool you was always good at that. I just love the slots im adicted to themsmiley - laugh

Just called to say hello.

Post 17


smiley - laughsmiley - okill let you get back to your games ill probably have a serf i thinksmiley - laugh

Just called to say hello.

Post 18

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

oh you just dont want to talk to me now do yousmiley - wah

Just called to say hello.

Post 19


yeh ill be geting off soon any how thats all

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