This is the Message Centre for Andy

Hi Intern

Post 1


It's Me Taamyu smiley - smiley
If you have a computer,
please, access

They are a kind of mini video. It'll take only 10 mins. altogether smiley - ok
It's better to watch as soon as you watch first one.
One is Chinese one(reall match(game))(I don't understand Chinese, neither) and the other is of Japanese (from Japanese annual 'disguise' contest programme) smiley - yikes

I do hope you enjoy them and laugh out loudly
If you don't like them or you haven't got a computer, I'm sorry. smiley - cry

smiley - tickle

Taamyu smiley - mistletoe

Hi Intern

Post 2


thats ok im going to keep them becouse i think i will be geting one at some point after xmas

Hi Intern

Post 3


Hiya smiley - smiley
How are you?
Did you enjoy Xmas Holidays?
I spent a quiet New Year's Day alone at home smiley - zen
I just leave my smiley - footprints to say hello smiley - hug
It was snowy last Saturday smiley - snowball in Osaka (it's 01.54 of the 19th in Japan/16.54 of the 18th in UK)
It's raining now smiley - grr I hope it'll be fine when I wake up this morning smiley - rainbow

Well, Have a Lovely Sunday night smiley - star

Taamyu smiley - cuddlesmiley - rose

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