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Post 201

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


smiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - smooch


No Subject

Post 202

Misty Angel.....missing in action

so what you got planned for your birthday then stu? smiley - kiss

No Subject

Post 203


Hiya Misty

I don't like budweiser, what i like is Carslberg and others you can n name lol smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 204

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


me i dont plan thing coz thay alway get messed up i may just stay in but then i may go out and have a smiley - oj.


No Subject

Post 205

Misty Angel.....missing in action

nats i like carlsberg myself but it just seems that lately when i drink any form of lager i get really ill for days afterwards smiley - sadface so gonna have to give up the booze me thinks.

awwww i hope you manage to go and do something fun on your birthday stu.

No Subject

Post 206

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


i may but i dont always feel like it coz of my size i get called names and other thing happen to me so i dont go out as much as i did but i think it just me not likeing myself i alway feel like this but when i do find miss right i may go out moresmiley - hug


No Subject

Post 207

Misty Angel.....missing in action

why do you let your size bother you as i'm big and i get called names aswell but i just say stuff em and i enjoy myself and so should you aswell hun smiley - ok

as i said i'm off now so night night smiley - cuddle

No Subject

Post 208

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or

no it not that it just i dont like going out much coz of the smiley - bleep's that go to the places i liked to go i tell you iam a round 25 stone coz i use to do rugby but i cant do it now throught bad knees.

ok night night hunsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

No Subject

Post 209

Misty Angel.....missing in action

well babes if your not happy with your weight then you can try and lose it babes but only do it coz it's what you want to do and not because of what anyone else says to you or about you and if people don't like you for who you are then tell them to do one! smiley - cuddle

No Subject

Post 210

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


i started to go out running. and i thinking of doing weight tranning.

but i just don't have a prob with my size just other people do any way hope you are having a great birthday soo far


No Subject

Post 211

Misty Angel.....missing in action

well stu as i said babes only do it coz it's what you wanna do and sod all those people that have a problem with you size as what's it got to do with them what size you are anyway. smiley - hugs

yeah my birthdays been ok so far babes as already had some nice pressies. smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 212

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


i hope that the gifts are what you wanted. i am having a great time going runnning i do 12 miles a week in the woods near me.


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Post 213

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - bleep i could'nt even do one mile and i need an ambulance! smiley - laugh god on you though babes as you have the determination to do it.

yeah my gifts were good as got armani perfume of one of my best m8's and got leather gloves,soft and comfy pj's and mingles choccies smiley - drool off my mum and dad and will have to see what my bro brings me 2moz as my oldest bro does'nt get me a gift or card anymore now and has'nt done so for a few years now. smiley - sadface

No Subject

Post 214

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


i just a keep trying as it all i can do it sound like you have got some great gifts well i give you a big smiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose


No Subject

Post 215

Misty Angel.....missing in action

well babes i wish you well in it and i'm sure your tryin your best. smiley - kiss

yeah my gifts were very nice hun and i'm made up with them. smiley - smiley

smiley - cuddle

No Subject

Post 216

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

it is all i can do i run more now as i dont have any one to love anymore

smiley - rosesmiley - hug


No Subject

Post 217


Whhhoooo smiley - ghost Whhhoooo

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Post 218

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or

hi nats

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooosmiley - rofl

No Subject

Post 219

Misty Angel.....missing in action

stu hunni there's more to life than being in love ya know hunni. smiley - smiley

yeah being in loves nice but it aint the be and end all of life just coz you aint got no one to love at the moment babes. smiley - hugs

hello ghostie smiley - biggrin

No Subject

Post 220

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


i know that but i cant get her out of my head some day i just get so lonely sometime so i go out running and then i find i have gone 12miles some time i have run 15 miles but i have a clear head afterwards


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