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Are you missing???!!
Genie Started conversation Apr 17, 2002
Just thought I would drop you a note, haven't seen you around for a few days!
Hope you are well!
Genie x
Still here babe!!!!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 19, 2002
hiya babe
I am still here. It is just that i am using
this on telewest emails so my box keeps
runnin out of mermory every couple of
So how r u doin???
I keep tryin to see if u r online when
i came on here but the who's online thing
doesn't seem to be workin.
hope u r okay.
look i have work out how to do a happy face,
just got to find out how to do same more.
if u r online then send a mgs bak.
r u missing??!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 19, 2002
hiya babe
i am still here. It is just that i am
on telewest and my merony running out
out every couples days.
hope u r all okay??
wat u been up to then??
When i have been on, i have look to see
if u have been online but my who's
online buttom han't been workin.
I have work out how to do happy face.
if u r online then then send me a mgs
r u missing??!!
Genie Posted Apr 22, 2002
Glad to hear you are well
I went to a fancydress party saturday night, it was wicked!! Sci fi was the theme!
Have you had a good weekend?
genie x
r u missing??!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 22, 2002
hiya babe
it was a good week. didn't do much
just spent sametime with my fella and the kids.
Glad to hear that u had a good time
saturday nite babe.
So did u have alot to drink then babe??
I have find out how to do the other face
on here. i went to the page that shows all the
face. As u can see.
Been havin a bit of problem gettin on here
so if u don't see me for a bit don't worry,
i just can't log on.
Just trying to work out wat else
i can do on here know.
hopw to chat with u soon babe.
love cutebabe.
r u missing??!!
Genie Posted Apr 23, 2002
Saturday night was excellent!
I did have a few and yes I was
but not uncontrollable!!! By bubba was at the party (dressed as batman!) so I had to stay coherant!!! My sister didn't drink and so was looking after all of us!!
I haven't had a proper drink since my birthday , so if I did want to get completly blotto it wouldnt take alot!!
r u missing??!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 23, 2002
could to heard that u had a good time.
i have not had a good drink since
my 21st birthday that shows how long ago that was.
Have u been and had a look in my
jounel about how did u meet the bloke u r with know???!!
GO HAgo have a look and see wat u think and let
me know babe.
Just thought i would drop u a line to see if u r still here???!!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 24, 2002
hiya babe
just to see how u r doing as i have heard from in
in a few days???
R u enjoying all the love sunshine we r having babe???
I shaved my little boy's heard this morning,
he looks really cute now.
Hope to heard from u soon babe.
Just thought i would drop u a line to see if u r still here???!!!
Genie Posted Apr 24, 2002
The sun is fantastic !
I am bunking this afternoon off to try and get a kitten for my bubba! it's his birthday tomorow and I am desperate to get him one for then!
My hubby and I had cat's before Harry came along and they are very terratorial about their owners! My cat gets really jelous when I stroke hubby's cat
Harry is sooo sweet he asks if he can 'share our cats' which is why I think he would love one of his own!
Awwww, kids do look cute with no hair!! Harry on the other hand looks like a little hooligan!
So are you relaxing today in the sun with an ??
Genie x
Just thought i would drop u a line to see if u r still here???!!!
cutebabe Posted May 7, 2002
hiya babe <winkeye?
thought i would drop u a little note has i havent seen u on for awhile.
so how r u doin???
did u have a good bank holiday weekend???
i have wallpapered my kids bedroom. that is the first time me and my fella have wallpapered.
hope to chat with u soon babe
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Are you missing???!!
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