This is the Message Centre for cutebabe
Good Morning!!!
Genie Started conversation Apr 12, 2002
Hey there!
I've been scooting around seeing who's on-line and found your page, so I thought I would pop in and say hi!
I'm fairly new to this as well, everyone is really friendly! I have been jumping into conversations to introduce myself, it really is the best way to do it!!
Alot of people (including myself) spend alot of time just reading about other peopl (personal pages), one tip is if you write something interesting (or mad!!!) you normally get a response!
I am also the proud owner (whoops sorry parent) of a four year old terror called Harry. I do work, but as you can tell I am not busy at the moment!!!!
So if you fancy a well earned break with &
pop over to my page and have a chat!!
Genie x
Good Morning!!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 12, 2002
thanxs i could do with a friend
in here to help me find my way round.
how do i get over to ur page then???
hope u r still bout.
from clare
Good Morning!!!
Genie Posted Apr 12, 2002
Yep still here!
You can either click onto 'who's online' at the top of the page look me up and click on my name..... or....
Just go into this conversation and click on my name at the top of any of my postings, it will take you directly to my page.
This works for everyone that posts something!
Genie x
Good Morning!!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 12, 2002
i am here but i am havin new doors and windows
put in.
i am still really new to all this so i get a bit lose
in how to do thing. Still haven't work out how to put smile face in yet.
so apart from workin wat to u get up to
any help how to get bout on this site would be good.
Good Morning!!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 12, 2002
sorry hun got to go off line for a bit.
but i will be bak soon.
hope we can tlk again and became friends if u wont to
that is babe.
it has been really nice chattin with u
this mornin.
Genie Posted Apr 12, 2002
You will get used to it I promise!!!
If you type smileys into the search at the top it should bring up the list of smileys.
For example brings up this the example has a space between wink & eye so you can see what has been written, just type it without the space and put the 'crocodile' bits either side (if you are using a keyboard they are situated above the , & . keys!!
A bit about me.....
My real name is Sacha, I am 22 years old.
1 Child (Harry), Married for 4 years now! and still very happy!
I work full time, and at the mo I am also working a couple of shifts in a restaurant on the cocktail bar!!
I love drinking cocktails, I'm pretty good at making them now so I'm thinking of changing my career!!!
My socialising is mostly spent 'with the girls', I am the official Keeper of the Girls Night out (on H2G2) !!!!
I have enought trouble keeping tabs on Harry to keep me busy the rest of the time!!
What about you??
Genie x
Genie Posted Apr 12, 2002
You will get used to it I promise!!!
If you type smileys into the search at the top it should bring up the list of smileys.
For example brings up this the example has a space between wink & eye so you can see what has been written, just type it without the space and put the 'crocodile' bits either side (if you are using a keyboard they are situated above the , & . keys!!
A bit about me.....
My real name is Sacha, I am 22 years old.
1 Child (Harry), Married for 4 years now! and still very happy!
I work full time, and at the mo I am also working a couple of shifts in a restaurant on the cocktail bar!!
I love drinking cocktails, I'm pretty good at making them now so I'm thinking of changing my career!!!
My socialising is mostly spent 'with the girls', I am the official Keeper of the Girls Night out (on H2G2) !!!!
I have enought trouble keeping tabs on Harry to keep me busy the rest of the time!!
What about you??
Genie x
Genie Posted Apr 12, 2002
No problem sweetie, hope there's not a problem with the 'fittings'!
I will be logged on until about 4pm, then I am off for the weekend!!
If I'm not here when you get back, have a great weekend, drop me a line when you can.
Genie x
Genie Posted Apr 12, 2002
No problem sweetie, hope there's not a problem with the 'fittings'!
I will be logged on until about 4pm, then I am off for the weekend!!
If I'm not here when you get back, have a great weekend, drop me a line when you can.
Genie x
doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) Posted Apr 13, 2002
how ya all doin' today?
hi cutebabes, thought i would crash your party, but it looks like i am a day late hee hee hee.
hello genie, i am one of cutebabes friends and i also have a little terror.
i am 20 (21 in 8 weeks) and i have a nearly 2 year old daughter. and i have been married about a year and and 4 months.
i was working in a hairdressers but i got laid off yestarday so i am again a full time mum woohooo
well catch ya later all i am off for a wander
cutebabe Posted Apr 14, 2002
hiya hun
we r all fine thanxs.
howz life with u lot goin then??
hope u r not moppin around to much cos of ur job.
genie seems a nice person don't she??
oh well i am going to go and send her a mgs.
hope to chat with u soon babe.
cutebabe Posted Apr 14, 2002
hiya babe
howz things with u lot going babe??
hope u r all havin a good weekend.
got most of me windows and that done,
just got to have the back nes done
on monday.
i take u have meet my friend doggmad
Genie Posted Apr 15, 2002
Hey babes!
Nice to meet you doggymad!
Glad to hear the windows haven't fallen out babe!
Hope you both had a nice weekend?
Genie x
Key: Complain about this post
Good Morning!!!
- 1: Genie (Apr 12, 2002)
- 2: cutebabe (Apr 12, 2002)
- 3: Genie (Apr 12, 2002)
- 4: cutebabe (Apr 12, 2002)
- 5: cutebabe (Apr 12, 2002)
- 6: Genie (Apr 12, 2002)
- 7: Genie (Apr 12, 2002)
- 8: Genie (Apr 12, 2002)
- 9: Genie (Apr 12, 2002)
- 10: doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) (Apr 13, 2002)
- 11: cutebabe (Apr 14, 2002)
- 12: cutebabe (Apr 14, 2002)
- 13: Genie (Apr 15, 2002)
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