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Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats Started conversation Apr 11, 2002
Hello good evening and welcome, hope you have fun here
cutebabe Posted Apr 12, 2002
no not havin much fun. cos i don't
know how to work this thing yet or get people
to tlk to me.
so any ideas would be greatfully thanks
from clare
Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats Posted Apr 29, 2002
sorry, been away for quite awhile, in the land of booze, I hope things have got better since you joined, Its my birthday today, aint that great......................mmm..yeah
If I'd have known, I wouldn't have known
Mallory Wi Soli Ringess
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