This is the Message Centre for cutebabe
hello ..i'm new too!!
corndolly Started conversation Mar 23, 2002
hello cutebabe..i'm fairly new too.i think this site is great..i'm on it nearly every day!!
did you used to go on the LD site too?i seem to know your name.
i'm corndolly.hope you mssg me back,maybe we
can become friends.
hello ..i'm new too!!
cutebabe Posted Mar 26, 2002
hiya my name is clare
yes i do used ld my user name in there
is cutekids.
so wat r u into then???
u seem to be the only one who has answer
me in here that is y i don't came on here
much. plus i have i work this thing.
so if u could explain then please me
hope to heard from u soon.
hello again..
corndolly Posted Mar 26, 2002
hiya again! have you been greeted by an 'ace' yet?
they are assistant communit editors.they
help you find yourway around.i'm still learning too!!
there's some places that i can't go as i'm
with NTL ad not on a PC.the 'ace' that greeted me was called
floh,if you type in her name then it will take take
you to her page,then you can mssg her.
she is very helpful.if you type in the
word smileys it will take you to the
page that shows you all of the icons
you can put in your mssgs like:
ope that you mssg me back.good luck.
my name is Sue by the soon,
lottsa luv,corndolly.xxxxxxxx
hello again..
cutebabe Posted Mar 26, 2002
hiya babe
yeap it would be nice if we could began friends.
so i take it u used to go in ld as well then???
wat was ur username in there babe??
i will get used to this thing soon.
i am not sure where in here i can go as i am on telewest.
it seems like a good laugh in here
i will have to sit down one nite and go though
it, to find where i can and can't go.
i think i have meet a chat host but not sure.
chat with u soon babe.
i hope.
hiya ....just thought i do see how u r!!!
cutebabe Posted Apr 2, 2002
hiya corndolly
just thought i would see how u r doin???
as i haven't heard from u for a bit.
no-one else has sent me any mgs.
And i still haven't work this thing out yet
but my friend who sent it to me said
it takes same time to work out.
Maybe if we was on a pc then it would be easier.
so did u have a good weekend babe??
hope u mgs me back cos it would be great if we
became friends. hope to chat with u
love from cutebabexxxx
hiya ..hello Clare..
corndolly Posted Apr 2, 2002
...hello Clare...i had a 's**tty' Easter babes!! didn't do ANYTHING really,apart from a bit of gardening.
...wot did u do? get people to mssg u,just join in any conversation,and someone will boundto answer u. hav u heard
from an 'ace' yet? they help u get around on here. hope u soon meet some mor friends on here Clare.
well,i've gotta go work later...i'm just cookin dinner for wen my hubby gets in. chat soon,luv,Sue. xxx
hiya ..hello Sue...
cutebabe Posted Apr 3, 2002
hiya babe...
no i didn't much at all just spent time with
my kids and partner as u
yes i have had a mgs from the ace
she told to take the don't panictour
so i have.
i may go i see wat the chat rm is bout in abit.
me and my bother take the kids swimming tday
it was a good laugh not been in long.
is it nice and hot were u r babe???
oh well hope to chat with u soon.
love clarexxx
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