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hiya phil hows you?
GrifterGal Started conversation Sep 1, 2003
hiya phil Grifter Gal here again how are you? hope you are well cos you never repled to the message i posted for you recently and i thought you didnt want to chat to me and that made me
well come in and make yourself comfortable and i,ll put the kettle on would you like a
with a slice of
or would you prefer a
? well i,m 32 female and i live in London with my partner Ron although i have to say i
Liverpool as i,ve visited there a few times and most recently in 2000 when i graduated from the Liverpool institute of performing Arts to become a qualified drama workshop leader
my hobbies are collecting collectable dolls and teapots Miniture ones and
anyway phil i hope to hear from you soon
take care Grifter Gal
hiya phil hows you?
GrifterGal Posted Sep 9, 2003
hiya phil how are you? i,m
i was
when i finally got a reply from you
cos as you know i posted quite afew without any reply and i was cos i thought you didnt want to chat to me!
you mentioned one of my favourite places in your message the Albert Dock! i
the Albert Dock when i visited it in 1990-91 when i was working in liverpool at the Everyman theatre with the Mockbeggar Theatre Company! i also visited Penny Lane
anyway here are a few pints of
and a slice of
hope you enjoy them
hiya phil hows you?
GrifterGal Posted Sep 17, 2003
hiya phil hun how are you? i,m
this is just to ask what your second name is it doesn"t happen to be pollard does it?
anyway ilook forward to hearing from you soon
take care
ps here is a and some
for you enjoy
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hiya phil hows you?
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