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Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400 Started conversation Mar 24, 2003
Hi Phil, here iis the link to your other page. U212956
I don't have time for any more just now.
hiya phil Grifter Gsl here
GrifterGal Posted Aug 29, 2003
hiya phil how are you hun?
i,m fine would you like a
or would you prefer a
here is a slice of
for you
well i,m 32 female and live in london with my partner Ron who restores Raleigh Grifters as a hobbie, i myself am a proud owner of a Raleigh Street wolf, and a Raleigh Wildcat they are my pride and Joy i,m a drama workshop leader
and i collect collectable dolls, and
anyway i hope to hear from you soon take care
Grifter Gal
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