Journal Entries
Posted Apr 8, 2002
I would just like to point out that our train system sucks. round trip from Cov to liverpool yesterday: 10 hours.....(!)
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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2002
Posted Apr 2, 2002
Might I start to chronicle my exsistence here? will it help in the search for a decent drink/happiness?
things to do:
* get dressed
* call careers service/employers in vague hope of gainful employment
* find something really useful to write about in the guide....
*write about it
Had a really odd dream last night:dreamt that I was back at uni, but with mostly cartoon characters and Will from pop Idol in my tutor group. Bought some records (which actually turned out to be dvds, so i couldn't play them, as not in possession of DVD player) and then was horribly embarrased as it appeared I was sucking up to ppl in the group...then I went to take them back and there was a show going on in the record store (which also sold beds). this is the saneset dream I've had in months.....
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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2002
Asphyxia Trent
Researcher U190924
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