This is the Message Centre for David M
David M Posted Dec 27, 2002
Hello Marion, I'm pleased to meet you too.
I'm sorry it has taken so long to reply, but I have been unable to get into this space.
I am using another space, and here is a link to it. A851555 It would be nice to hear from you again, if you can forgive me for the long delay in replying.
PINKLADY 190715 Posted Jan 1, 2003
Hello David, I haven't been here myself for about a month now, I got to engrossed in sl-chat and other chat rooms since LD went down the drain.
Did you have a nice Christmas, ours was very quiet. Marion
Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400 Posted Jan 7, 2003
Hi Marion, thanks so much for your reply.
Yeah! a quiet Xmas here too, and the New Year as well.
When Telewest let the firewalls down and I was able to access the internet, A friend and I used sl-chat, and we found it to be brilliant. So much better than LD.
If you use a pc, you are not missing anything with yoome2. Honestly, it is awful, and not worth £4-99 a month. I would rather just come in here.
You may notice, I am replying to you from my other page.
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