This is the Message Centre for kow

hi kow

Post 21


well i tried that.....n nowt happened!!! aaaawwwwww

Y CAN'T I DO IT????? smiley - steam

hi kow

Post 22


What did you try?
Why don't you set up a test page and try it on there first?smiley - biggrin

hi kow

Post 23


aaww kow, i have!!
(hangs head in shame!)

sooooo???? smiley - winkeye

hi kow

Post 24


You have???

Where?smiley - online2long

Have you got the links done now then?

hi kow

Post 25


right, i'll type this slowly so u can understand smiley - ok?

i put links in n it didn't work!

then i put the tag in i got from loup n the A turned blue n that was it!!(but wen i clicked onto it it was the piccy library n shuda ben quotes!!) smiley - grr

THEN, i deleted the library link but kept loups n i'm still in the same position!
niether works n i still got the blue A!!! smiley - sadface

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 26


The blue A was from the link I gave you. Try:

Picture Library

smiley - ok

hi kow

Post 27


smiley - ok will do brb
smiley - run

hi kow

Post 28


woooohoooo!! yep! that worked

so wot do i do about the quotes tag??? smiley - smiley

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 29


Exactly the same, just change the number in the quotation marks and the text outside the >tags<.smiley - ok

hi kow

Post 30


smiley - ok brb smiley - run

hi kow

Post 31


phew!!! that worked kow smiley - smiley

now how do i move them? lmao
smiley - grovel

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 32


Hmmm... that goes to the Picture Library too... try the other you had.smiley - biggrin

hi kow

Post 33


oops!! wot have i done wrong kow?? smiley - doh

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 34


You just used the wrong number, change that for the other one you had. To move them, you delete them and then put them in where you want them.smiley - doh

hi kow

Post 35


ooops! lol i used the tag u gave me kow 'C809'

n they r both just inside the body/guide tags!! so that means i can't doesn't it?? smiley - doh

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 36


Nah! You can move them to anywhere between the and the tags.smiley - ok

hi kow

Post 37


that's wot i mean! they r just inside the tag!! smiley - doh

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 38


So where are you wanting to put them?

hi kow

Post 39


it's smiley - ok
i've sussed it!! smiley - smiley

they were clumped together
so i've just shoved spaces in ther now they r fine!! smiley - magic

thanx once again for ur help kow
i'd b lost without u!! smiley - grovel

Trish smiley - hug

hi kow

Post 40


c wot i've done...all by mysef????

Trish smiley - winkeye

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