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Post 1

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

why have i got to beware?i didn't think we had anything to hide on h2g2,so if i'm being 'monitered' then be my guest smiley - smiley but if ive done something to offend then please accept my apologies,i will not use this site again smiley - ok kow?


Post 2


Hi Jackie

I guess you have just lurked on my page, it's just a joke... honestly no matter who lands here it's got there name there...laugh it's funnysmiley - biggrin


Post 3

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

well i'm glad you can see the funny side of it,i'm still fairly new here and i obviously dont share your humour,i thought i'd said something i shouldn't,so i was checking all my posts,to see if had,i know i was a bit drunk the other night when my team got beat,but hey i was still the owner of a friendly heart smiley - dohsmiley - cheers kow now get the smiley - ale in smiley - laugh


Post 4


I've changed it now, I didn't mean to offend, maybe I should get rid of it altogethersmiley - erm

Anyway, isn't it your roundsmiley - biggrin


Post 5

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

well it certainly caught me off guard,for sure,but hey that'll teach me to lurk smiley - laugh i was gonna get em in the other night but i couldn't see straight thru my smiley - wah i am a generous sport though so what you having? but we wont get served here so i'll meet you in the bar smiley - oksmiley - run quick


Post 6


It was just my humour, a lot of people had to say something too. You weren't the first. But it should be more appealling now. See you in the bar, for the buffetsmiley - erm

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