This is the Message Centre for kow

Being monitored

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

What does being monitored Kow mean?


Being monitored

Post 2


What the feck?? where did that come from?? n why the feck you wanna monitor me? im boring ..

Being monitored

Post 3


JA: It means being watchedsmiley - ok

JustMe: My eyes are everywhere...


Being monitored

Post 4


s'ok..think ive just wait till huggy n ghia get you..smiley - tongueout

Being monitored

Post 5


Get me where?

Being monitored

Post 6

Reality Manipulator

smiley - ok Kow its alright


Being monitored

Post 7


JA: What's alright?

Being monitored

Post 8

Reality Manipulator

Me being monitored Kow.smiley - smiley


Being monitored

Post 9


smiley - yikesWhy are you being monitored?

Being monitored

Post 10

Reality Manipulator

I do not Kow?

When I go to your personal It has my nickname + warning you are being monitered.


Being monitored

Post 11


I thought it had my nickname?

Being monitored

Post 12

Reality Manipulator

Kow I am not feigning ignorance.

I go to your personal space & I see my nickname with you are being monitored.

Please answer me properly, I suspect that its your handy work which you have done but won't admit.

If I ever say I can't understand, I mean that.

I suspect that you really know what /:o) is but you won't tell me because you think that I am really do know as everyone else does.


Being monitored

Post 13

Reality Manipulator

smiley - sorrysmiley - grovel I am very sorry for accusing you of ignoring you, but I never said that you were ignorant.smiley - grovel

Please answer my previous question re: being monitored.


Being monitored

Post 14

Reality Manipulator

It shows how upse I am as I am noy making sense.

smiley - sorrysmiley - grovelPlease forgive me, I am really am sorry for accusing you of ignoring you but I never said that you were ignorant.smiley - grovel

smiley - sorrysmiley - grovel I am not as smiley - disco as Sandra & Ghia. They may have twigged it but I have not so please explain to my why did I see You are being monitored against my nickname when I went to your personal space yesterday. You must make allowances as I am not as quick as the other rearchers & I am rather on the thick side.smiley - grovelsmiley - sorry


Being monitored

Post 15

ghia return of >>

smiley - grr

Being monitored

Post 16


smiley - footprints

Being monitored

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

smiley - sorrysmiley - grovel I am very sorry if I upset you Ghia and Sandra.smiley - grovelsmiley - sorry


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