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Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 1

Colonel Codpiece

You're buying me new pants!!smiley - blush

smiley - run

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 2


That'll teach you to lurk my spacesmiley - tongueout

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 3

Colonel Codpiece

You ever do that again and I'm going to make you wash them!smiley - grr

Scared the beejeesus out of me...

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 4

ghia return of >>

excuse me y am i being monitored?

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 5


What do you mean ghia? Are you under moderation or something?

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 6

Colonel Codpiece

I really can't get out of the habit of clicking on your name.smiley - thief

smiley - yikesDoes it every time too...

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 7


smiley - laughWell stoppit then

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 8

Colonel Codpiece

I'm trying dammit!!

I'm going "offline" tonight anyway, bloody knackered, just thought I'd pop in and say hello.smiley - tongueout I don't have enough pants to stay for much longer......

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 9


Hmmm... saracen would like itsmiley - laugh

Going anywhere nice?
Thanks for stopping bysmiley - cuddle

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 10

Colonel Codpiece

Yeah, he'd love it.smiley - devil When I introduced him to the 'make me invisible' button he'd never sounded happier.smiley - laugh

I'm going to the most wonderful place in the world - my bed.smiley - yawn I'll be lurking...

Later Kowsmiley - kiss

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 11


smiley - blushWhat a sweetiesmiley - flustered

Feel free to step in if you feel like itsmiley - cuddle

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 12


Evil little fecker isnt he

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 13


Ah! So you finally realised, now I see why they made you a scoutsmiley - winkeye

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 14


c'mon im feeling like s**t today ..gimme a break smiley - biggrin

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 15


Sorry smiley - cuddle, what have you got planned for the FoLDers Four?smiley - biggrin

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 16

ghia return of >>

am i mitssing thfe joke heresmiley - cry

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 17


Probably, that's what happens when the flu is here moresmiley - biggrin

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 18

Colonel Codpiece

Sweetie?smiley - blush

There went the intimidating aloofness.smiley - tongueout

Your trick got quite a reaction.smiley - erm

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 19


Didn't it justsmiley - erm

I had to change the bugger in the endsmiley - sadface

Sweet Mary Mother of Bob!!

Post 20

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - cuddle At least you got a laugh out of it first.

You could've done a 100 word insult with the tags sprinkled throughout it.smiley - devil I have a plan...smiley - run

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