This is the Message Centre for kow

hey up chuck!

Post 1

ghia return of >>

where r the peeps 2 nite!

hey up chuck!

Post 2

Colonel Codpiece

I've just arrived!smiley - bubbly or smiley - wah?smiley - biggrin A little drunk though.

Just tripped over a bit of tumbleweed...smiley - erm

hey up chuck!

Post 3


Tis a bit deserted innit...smiley - ale

hey up chuck!

Post 4

ghia return of >>

yay companysmiley - bubbly

hey up chuck!

Post 5


smiley - disco
You been lurking ghia?

hey up chuck!

Post 6

ghia return of >>

where tell me*

hey up chuck!

Post 7


In hootoo? I've been posting on the message boardssmiley - bubbly

smiley - run

hey up chuck!

Post 8

Researcher 218409

smiley - yikes...ok i think my page is posseed or something as for some reason it's subscribed me to this convo and i don't know why as i've not subscribed to it myself so what the smiley - bleep is going on????? smiley - weird

hey up chuck!

Post 9


Hi nobodies angel, it looks like you've subscribed to my message centre.

Just click on my name and scroll down, it will say "click here to stop been notified of new conversations..." Just click on thatsmiley - ok

hey up chuck!

Post 10

Researcher 218409

hi kow smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers for that hun but i don't remember actually subscribing to you msg center as it's not done this before on me and also it did it the other day aswell and i did unsubscribe from that but it's still doing it!

smiley - yikes i think the smiley - devil has taken over me page! smiley - run

hey up chuck!

Post 11


smiley - biggrin
It's smiley - ok, I forget I've done it sometimes lol

How are you settling in?

hey up chuck!

Post 12

Researcher 218409

smiley - sorry seem to be having major probs at the mo with error msgs smiley - laugh

i'm settling in ok but to be honest i'm finding it abit boring of late as ppl keep starting conbersations with me and then never getting back when i reply smiley - laugh

hey up chuck!

Post 13


Yep, me too, servers must have been playing upsmiley - bruised

I wouldn't worry so much about people taking time to get back to you, afterall not everyone comes on regularly and some people might not realise that they have messages, something I've been guilty of myselfsmiley - angel

Have you had a look at <./>askh2g2</.> yet? That seems to be the busiest place in hooter, just don't try to see more convo's lol

hey up chuck!

Post 14

Researcher 218409

smiley - bleeping servers! smiley - laugh..i wish they'd leave things well alone as everytime they start to fiddle with this it goes all smiley - weird and you end up shouting at the screen (well i do anyway smiley - laugh)

thanks for the tip and i'll check that place out another time as off to play worms on my playstation soon smiley - laugh

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