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need your help again! lmao

Post 21

Researcher 218409

hi'ya kow & thanks for the reply & the rose smiley - loveblush.......wellsmiley - eureka hunni i've finally managed to do my page! yaaaaaaaaaay smiley - laugh sadly though hun i did have to leave out the digibox friendly link in the end as everytime i tried to do it i was still getting the error in guideML as it was saying bad closing element & also size must be quoted so seems like i'm still tosmiley - doh at the moment to put that in! smiley - biggrin even though i copied it down & put it in exactly like you wrote itsmiley - laugh.....well as you said there's plenty of time for me to learn all that so i'll just stick to the simple things for now. lmao

anyway take care & once again thanks for being there for me & helping me out.

smiley - hugs

smiley - angel

need your help again! lmao

Post 22


You're welcomesmiley - laugh
You probably did the right thing in leaving the digibox link out, it was a bit complicated.

How about the "Who's Online" link? That comes in handy and if you're using plain skin the "Search" link is also mint. Simple to do too(which is a bonussmiley - winkeye)

Chat later

need your help again! lmao

Post 23

Researcher 218409

hi'ya kow and may i wish yousmiley - discoa happy valentines daysmiley - disco.....well yeah it was rather complicated to do but i don't know why it did'nt work coz as i said i did it the way you showed mesmiley - laugh

erm yeah those other links sound smiley - cool but you know howsmiley - doh i am so if i'm gonna do them then would you look at the coding for my page again and then tell me exactly were to put the links as i don't wanna stuff them up and allsmiley - laugh

take care and bye for now

smiley - angel

need your help again! lmao

Post 24


Happysmiley - cupidValentine to you too

I hope you got loadsa cards and flowerssmiley - ok

The good news about the links is you can put them anywhere you want in between the BODY tags now you've got the basicssmiley - ok

Who's Online


The code for the digibox is complicated, I might have written it up wrong, so don't worry about itsmiley - laugh

smiley - run

need your help again! lmao

Post 25

Researcher 218409

awww thanks for the nice wishes but me did'nt get anything as nobody smiley - loves me smiley - wah...smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers for those links hun and i'll try doing them l8tr and see how it goessmiley - biggrin

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