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Post 21


Hi U

How are ya?


Post 22

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

smiley - run

Hiya kow

Just popped in for a quick look to see whats going on.
Having a quick smiley - coffee break smiley - laugh

Well I've finished decorating my room and the girls room and my son's room is nearly finished.We are also packing as we go as I don't plan on staying here much longer.
Well we have also got Jonathan Shaw MP involved now as to whats going on here.Hence the fact that we have a film crew coming over tonight to see if we can get these yobs on film smiley - smiley We shall just have to wait and see but it seems that they have turned their attention to smashing car windows now and then torching them so we will just have to wait and see what happens.
Anyways,I will catch your reply next time I'm online as I've got to go and do the ceiling in my daughters bedroom smiley - sadface I do NOT like decorateing.
Have fun
Pallysmiley - rainbow

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