This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715
Hello Marion
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Started conversation Jan 8, 2003
Hello, I spotted your page and I just had to drop you a line to say how nice and very interesting I thought it was.
You sound like a lovely person and a lot of what you wrote made me Especially the bit about
as I just ADORE it myself!
I also want to tell you that I thought the Friend's Alphabet was very good. Did you write it yourself?
Anyway, I hope you don't mind me dropping in on you like this but I couldn't pass by your page without saying something.
Feel free to drop me a line anytime.
Best Wishes
from Rock Girl.
Hello Marion/RockGirl
PINKLADY 190715 Posted Jan 29, 2003
Hi Rock Girl
Thank you for popping in and saying Hello
No I didn't write the words to friends, it was sent to me about 2 years ago by an email friend.
I'm sorry to be late in replying, we have been very busy here. I am making a wedding dress and curtains. Marion
Hello Marion/RockGirl
Cazz - the angel with a magical touch. Posted Jan 30, 2003
Hi Marion
There is no need to apologise for not replying sooner. Sometimes it takes me a while to reply. I will hopefully get more time on here now, as Leisure District finally shuts down tomorrow. I will miss it as I use it daily to chat to my best friend. Anyway at least I have h2g2. There is so much to look at in here and so many nice people to chat to.
It certainly does sound like you're keeping busy, all that sewing! Is it a hobby or do you do it for a living? Personally I am pretty useless where sewing is concerned!
Oh well, I have rambled on enough for now. Take care Marion. Drop me a line whenever you get chance, it is nice to hear from you.
All the best,
from Rock Girl
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Hello Marion
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