This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715

A visitor from the Green Room Annexe

Post 1


Hello again. I saw you in my nice new conservatory and thought I'd pop by and say hi properly smiley - smiley How do you manage to keep 2 cats? When I grew up with a cat I was fine but after that died I've not been able to stand being with any others. I sneeze and wheeze and my eyes get red and puffy. smiley - sadface I love cats too. I know what you mean about flowers as well. I bought some the other day and they are on my mantelpiece. I woke up yesterday morning and my face was covered in red blotches (very attractive!)

Nice to meet you and I hope to chat with you in the Conservatory soon

deackie smiley - smiley

A visitor from the Green Room Annexe

Post 2


..... I have only been alergic for the
..... 2 years. It all started when I
..... had got a dose of Bronchitis.
..... It also started Asthma. So with
..... inhalers and Clarytin I can
..... live with them.
..... Thanks for talking to me smiley - biggrin
...... smiley - bubbly for you smiley - roseMarion

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A visitor from the Green Room Annexe

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