This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715


Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

sorry..i read ur msg wrong..smiley - laugh..for guideml..
at the top..

that's sort of like the opening of it..
then u need to open and close paragraphs..
they need to alternate..(i think that's the right word)..down ur entry..they give the spaces between paragraphs..
the smileys are different in guideml..they are typed in..<SMILEY TYPE="your chosen smiley"/>
at the end of ur entry you need to close it..

closes the entry..
remember to click 'change style'..guideml..
if when u click preview u get a guide error..check the .. alternate..
it takes a bit of getting used tosmiley - smiley..if u don't understand what i've said or would like more help..just ask..smiley - smiley..

smiley - rose


Post 2

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

marion..something i forgot to say..guideml does not accept '&' u need to use 'and'..

smiley - rose


Post 3


..... Thanks Sandra, I'll give it a go
..... tomorrow if I get on here.
..... Good night love, smiley - hug Marion


Post 4


...Sandra, I still can't get it to work must be because I'm not on a smiley - hug Marion.


Post 5

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

marion..i'm not on pc either..although i do use 1 sometimes..most of my space has been done via digibox..your space looks nice as it is..i can't see why your guideml didn't work..smiley - you remember what the error code have a lot of smileys in your profile..which is nice..but they all need to be changed to guideml type u have access to a pc? would be easier for u..if u have..

smiley - rose


Post 6


Good morning
... I will try again and then let you
... know what the error code is smiley - smiley
... You must think I am very thick?
... I do have a computer but it's not
... on line, we live on a pension so
... we can't afford the extra layoutsmiley - blue
... Thank you for the complementsmiley - hug
... Did you like my journal? It took
... me for ever to get it right.
... smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly To celibrate
... our 40th Wedding Anniversary

... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose


Post 7


Good morning
... I will try again and then let you
... know what the error code is smiley - smiley
... You must think I am very thick?
... I do have a computer but it's not
... on line, we live on a pension so
... we can't afford the extra layoutsmiley - blue
... Thank you for the complementsmiley - hug
... Did you like my journal? It took
... me for ever to get it right.
... smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly To celibrate
... our 40th Wedding Anniversary

... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

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