This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715

hi marion

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

unable to reply in guestbook at the moment..your question to michael about guestbook..if you goto michaels his guideMl is in post number 10..if you want it smaller like mine..let me know..i'll tell you what to add to it..if your on via digibox & can't use the orange who's online..the link for that is there too..smiley - smiley..

smiley - rose

hi emmily

Post 2


.... I had a look at that but it lost
.... me. I didn't even know how to
.... find online until I went into
.... your profile.
.... I know Michael from LD and he
.... found me, must be coz I used my
.... username which is PINK:LADY also
.... I am .pink.lady the later is the
.... one I used for my photo in LD.
.... I am on my box and found lots
.... of things don't work.
.... I thought that was me not knowing
.... how to use the system.
.... I have noticed that if I do the
.... dots at the front of every line
.... and don't type past the end of
.... the box, I can read all the
.... sentence. smiley - biggrin
.... smiley - rose Marionsmiley - rose

hi emmily

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

smiley - laugh..michael said he found the way i'd written it confusing too..i know michael through LD too..emmily is my regular LD username..have u changed your intro. to GuideML?..u can't add guestbook or other gadgets unless u have..smiley - smiley..

smiley - rose

hi emmily

Post 4


.... I don't know how, I must be thick
.... I just can't understand it. smiley - sadface
..... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

hi emmily

Post 5

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

marion..when u press edit entry for your 'profile' have u got at the are using plain text..

smiley - rose

hi emmily

Post 6


... Hi smiley - biggrin
..... I found the buttons to click on
..... no wonder I couldn't see it.
..... the plain text button is hiding
..... under the left hand side of the
..... telly.
..... I clicked on the but
..... it just printed it an the word
..... in my box above my
..... profile and at the end of it.
..... Thats as far as I got, don't
..... know what to do next. smiley - hug
..... smiley - roseMarionsmiley - rose

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