This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715

hi pinklady

Post 1


hiya x thanks for the msg u left me earlier.nice to hear from u x
.cant say ive seen u around on user name on there at the moment is Red-Haired-Angel..though i dont go on as much now cos im on telewest n the 6050s make chat impossoble now @smiley - sadface
used to be on there ll he time at 1 point!.was really addicted.. even met my b/f on there lol (about 8 months ago)
so u have a prob with
mines crisps!..justcant leave the mn things alone once i get started lol ne way ..spk to u soon ..sandra x

hi pinklady

Post 2


Hello Sandra
... I don't get chance to come in here
... very often, so I hope you don't
... think I am ignoring you. smiley - smiley
... Love your space, wish I could
... write like that.
... I was Sophie16 3 years ago in LD
... and later MARION58 came 2 years
... ago when I was 57. Now I am
... nice to have met you smiley - hug Marion

hi pinklady

Post 3


Think my space quite badly needs updating!
And no I didnt think you were ignoring me dont worry!

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