This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715

hi Pinklady

Post 1


Hope you are having a great mothers day, dinner and washing up done for you, you lucky thing. How are you finding this new site. lots of love Bob.


Post 2


I had a lovely day
.. thank you smiley - smiley
.. Got 2 boxes of chocolates
.. smiley - chocsmiley - choc
.. and a mothers day cake
.. smiley - cake very sweet
.. a CD 'crossword addict'
.. for my computer and a
.. framed 'meaning of the
.. name Marion'
.. lot of hugs smiley - hug
.. not explored it very much yet.

hi Pinklady

Post 3


Great to hear you had a lovely Mothers Day, I bet you deserve it.
Looking forward to all those Easter Eggs know doubt. Bob

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