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Post 1

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

hiya sweetie yet another old ex pat of ld here lol
smiley - hug
my u/name on ld was (as u can c in name above) smiley - smiley
have u come across ne other ex pats yet??? been on here ages n still lokkin lol..r u on yoome2 at all?? hope 2 hear from u soon
smiley - love


Post 2


no im not on u me, there are loads of us ex pats out there, just put ld into the search and it will lead you to us....see you in cyber land....


Post 3

Researcher 240505

HI my name on ld was "toro"remember a "all alone lady" and the "devils"--"nawty angel" If anyone remembers me ,hello "TORO"

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