This is the Message Centre for TENBOB

Tenbob's ...yea I sure rember them!

Post 1

jofrog 53

Hi there Tenbob,
Hope you dont mind me gate crashing in here on the party, brought with me a party 7 can smiley - stout with me if thats of any use? do you remember those!smiley - hangover
I came across you from having been chating with Corndolly who has had a few problems and is now ragdolly unless she's been able to sort them out by now.
Anyhow's nice to meet you.smiley - biggrin
Jofrog. smiley - peacedove

Tenbob's ...yea I sure rember them!

Post 2


Hi jofrog! nice of you to drop in and bring your own transfusion. Pass my love onto corndolly for me. Tell her Tenbob is now out of contact with NTL world.( her indoors pulled the plug!) Will check this messageboard once a week for updates.

Tenbob's ...yea I sure rember them!

Post 3

jofrog 53

Hi Tenbob,
sorry took so long to reply Ive been on holiday.but alas all good things must come to an end I guess! yea sure will say hi to corndolly, but youve probably spoken yourself by now. TTFN.smiley - biggrin

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