This is the Message Centre for TENBOB

hello Bob

Post 1


just popped by to say hello to you.
how are you getting on with this site?
every time i come on here i find something
new!i've found that there are some pages
i just can't 'open'...apparantly it's
better if you have a PC.well Bob..plz
mssg soon and let me know how you're
doing.lottsa luv,Sue.xxsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

hello corndolly

Post 2


Bit of a wilderness, do not hear from anyone. But then again, I have lost interest for a number of reasons.

hello corndolly

Post 3


hello Bob...oh dear you sound really fed-up.smiley - cheerup
what's wrong then Bob...or can't you say?
(remember everyone can read this)...i
still go into LD sometimes you?
you can always mssg me in there if you
want to.take care Bob.hope to hear from you soon.
lottsa luv,Sue(corndolly)xxxsmiley - hugsmiley - smiley

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