This is the Message Centre for Venus
Welcome Venus...
Jonny Started conversation Mar 4, 2002
Hi Venus,
I'm Jonny, and I'm an ACE here at h2g2. <./>ACEs</.> have the job of looking for people on h2g2 and officially welcoming you to this incredibly big, fun and addictive website!
To help get you started, I've compiled a page of links at A599330.
Or alternatively there's The Post Page of Useful Links at A616718 - <./>ThePost</.> is our weekly newspaper.
You can add your own entries by clicking on the "Add new entry" link from your space. h2g2 entries can be written in plain text or using GuideML, which you can find out more about at the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>.
Attached to each entry is a conversation forum, here you can talk to people about the entry, and make friends .
One of the busiest forums is <./>Askh2g2</.> where you can ask anything you want!
If you want to know how to do smileys, you can find out by clicking on this one (or any of them!).
If you have any questions/comments about h2g2, or just want a chat, click reply and I'll see it later.
Don't Panic,
Welcome Venus...
Venus Posted Mar 8, 2002
Hi Jonny!
Thanks for the welcome. This place is so expansive it's nice to know there always help availible.
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Welcome Venus...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."