This is the Message Centre for roadtripchick

Good Morning

Post 1

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club


I hope you don't mind me appearing out of the blue like this. I'm a new user and have just managed to find the WHO-IS-ONLINE page.
I'm from Bristol in the south-west of England and you seemed an interesting person to spark up a conversation with.

Good Morning

Post 2


deffinetley always interested inconversation. smiley - smiley
i am in Florida/USA and it is 4 in the morning but I am very addicted to this site as you can tell. smiley - drunk
I am acctually quite new myself and am still learning some things but if you have any questions feel free to ask. smiley - biggrin

Good Morning

Post 3

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

I'm getting there slowly smiley - laugh
It's 10.45am here and I've been up all night in another chatsite.
I don't presently have a PC and am here via a digital TV link, so it's even harder for me as i don't have 'CUT and PASTE' etc
but that will soon be rectified.

My name's Mark and I'm 35, single (never married) and no kids.
Sorry, but I'm a devout omnivore and I also smoke smiley - grovel
I'm a bit of a smiley - devil and can be quite smiley - silly

I've often wondered what it must be like to drive across a great expanse of country like the USA
The UK is only 400 miles long and 200 miles across at it's widest point.
I did travel throught Europe for 18 months when I was 21.
Oh to be young again smiley - laugh

Good Morning

Post 4


Well I smoke also to bad there isn't a smoking smiley it would be useful. smiley - smiley I just recently became a vegetarian. I just hope not to turn into one of those rabid PETA people.smiley - monster

I am afraid of fling otherwise i think i would have been to Europe by now. Someday i will get over it though and just get on a plane.smiley - flyhi

You should deffinetly check America out.I love it but then again I know of nothing else. smiley - cry
Good luck with your computer situation. Mine is a peice of C**p. It is about a million years old and does what it pleases. Half the time I am a step away from throwing it out the window. smiley - cdouble

Well I will talk to you later. Welcome again to H2G2. Heres asmiley - burger for you and I will have somesmiley - corncob. ( there are very few veggie smileys)

smiley - bluebutterfly

Good Morning

Post 5

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

Hello again smiley - biggrin
If you've seen my home page then you know I can be quite a cheeky smiley - devil
Once I get to know someone and feel comfortable with them then the real me surfaces smiley - tongueout
I'm sure you will find out in time smiley - laugh

So, you are nearly 22, do you work ?

Thnaks for the smiley - burgersmiley - smiley
Now for the dessert smiley - strawberries with a nice smiley - cappuccino, unless you prefer a smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - laugh

Must smiley - run
Speak again soon
smiley - devil

Good Morning

Post 6


Yes I work (unfortunetely, tried to be a professional bum but didn't work smiley - sadface ) I currently work in a coffee shop /book store and am starting school in the summer. so what about you is all your PS says is that you are a bit of a ladies man and a smiley - devil.
thanks for dessert.
gotta smiley - run

smiley - bluebutterfly

Good Morning

Post 7

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

Hiya again

Does my PS give the impression that I'm a ladies man ? smiley - laugh
I'm not, although I do have a lot more female friends than male smiley - smiley

Yes, I work as an Inventory Co-ordinator in a warehouse. It sounds impressive but it only involves chasing around the business premises hunting for lost stock smiley - laugh

Must smiley - runsmiley - sadface

Chat again soon smiley - winkeye

Good Morning

Post 8


I had a friend who did that. smiley - cooli have had a few jobs with impressive titles but they weren't much to talk about.
i too tend to have more guy friends then girls...they are so dramatic and whiny. I can only take so much.smiley - headhurts i am more laid back smiley - zen and go with the flow.

talk to you later,

smiley - bluebutterfly

Good Morning

Post 9

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

Hello again smiley - biggrin

If you ever have time then try visiting
It's the chatsite I most often frequent smiley - laugh
My username in there is Mr.Smooth-Talker if you would like to leave me a message smiley - biggrin

Must smiley - run
Hope to see you in LD sometime smiley - cool

smiley - devil

Good Morning

Post 10


smiley - ok i will check it out when i get a chance.smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

Good Morning

Post 11

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

Hello again smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - biggrin
Insomnia rules smiley - ok
Being single, going to bed each night on my own isn't very appealing. Although it would seem that things are developing in the love life department smiley - loveblush
I've been chatting to a woman, in the other chatsite I mentioned, for several months now. Several weeks ago she hinted that she thought more of me than just a friend.
We have exchanged photos, telephone numbers and addresses. We spend hours on the phone to each other and she is coming to stay with me for the weekend next month smiley - winkeye
When I first started getting into this chatsite nonsense smiley - laugh I did not anticipate meeting my potential future partner smiley - loveblush
Are you involved with anyone ?
Being the cheeky smiley - devil that I am, I have quite a collection of humorous and rude picture emails smiley - laugh including one of my beautiful self smiley - laugh
If you would like me to send you a few of them then drop me a line at [email protected] smiley - biggrin
I'd better try and get some sleep as I have friends coming to visit me in 8 hours smiley - biggrin
Speak again soon smiley - cool
smiley - devil

Good Morning

Post 12


Good Luck with your date! smiley - cheers
Currently there is no one in my passenger seat but sometime in the near future that will hopefully be remedied. smiley - wizard
If you want to send me a pic its the same nickname i kinda like not knowing what people look like. It leaves everything up to the imagination.smiley - flyhi

talk to you later,

smiley - bluebutterfly

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