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It's time for my annual 'news stories that I can't work out whether they are April Fools or not' line-up

Oh, and of course...

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2013

Can anyone tell me...

What the [expletive removed by Moderators] is going on around here?

After making [comments removed by Moderators] and trying to [comments removed by Moderators] in a relatively innocuous thread, suddenly I find [comments removed by Moderators] and, what's more [comments removed by Moderators].

It wouldn't be so bad if [comments removed by Moderators], and of course they wouldn't have the backbone to [comments removed by Moderators].

Frankly, I think [comments removed by Moderators], smear them liberally with butter, and jolly well thrust them [comments removed by Moderators].


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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2012

Things people say online that let you know IMMEDIATELY that you've won the argument, number 173

"Whatever. But you're projecting."


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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2012

New Tax Year; New Silly Project

I'm sure I'm not the only person subject to the phenomenon of getting one particular song going round and round one's head ALL BLOODY DAY, often starting from the very minute I wake up. Followers of my Facebook account will know that I had a particular problem with Albert Hammonds 'Free Electric Band' a couple of years ago.

But it occurs to me that there must be some underlying psychological cause to this. And causes can only be evaluated by repeated, careful observation.

Therefore, for the next 365 days, I will attempt to log the songs in my head: persistent, annoying, embarrassing or otherwise. Any amateur psychologists are welcome to step in with Freudian analysis. You might get some statistics eventually

And, speaking of embarrassing:

April 1st, 2012: Keith Michell - Captain Beaky and his Band


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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2012

Yet again I am unable to distinguish between April Fools and real news

Problem's just too damn believable.


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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2012

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