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Post 1


Ok B, this should be right up your street.smiley - smooch Mark the student teacher is back in again. He’s been asked to organise another quiz and is back in asking for ideas for questions.

He’s decided to go for a 1980’s kids TV round, and also needs suggestions for the general knowledge round. Any suggestions?

Odo. smiley - winkeye


Post 2

Mu Beta

Ho's a rag-bag of general knowledge and kids TV for you then.

1) What is the only single English word that is an anagram of MONDAY?

2) What colour was Custard the cat in 'Roobarb and Custard'?

3) Who led the Peasants' Revolt in 1381?

4) What was the dog called in Fraggle Rock?

5) Which all-female group kept John Lennon from the Christmas Number One spot in 1980?

6) Whose autobiography was entitled 'Dear Me'?

7) Who was the arch-enemy of the Thundercats?

8) Who was Marion Morrison better known as?

9) What is the lowest score (excluding 1) that cannot be checked out with three darts or less, ending on a double?

10) Which childrens' TV theme tune was a trombone solo known as 'The Acrobat'

You want some answers as well? I don't know...smiley - biggrin



Post 3


Of course answers would by very useful.smiley - smooch


Post 4

Mu Beta

OK, then...just because it's you smiley - cuddle

2) Pink
3) Wat Tyler
4) Sprocket
5) St. Winifreds School Choir ("There's No-one Quite Like Grandma")
6) Peter Ustinov
7) Mumm-Ra
8) John Wayne
9) 159
10) Johnny Briggs

How's that?



Post 5


Did I ever tell you that you're wonderful? smiley - kiss

smiley - biggrin That’ll make things a lot easier. smiley - winkeye

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