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Sport on Tv

I can't be the only person that is fed up with having all four terestrial channels having sport at the same time. The fact that any show is dropped for the sake of two hours more tennis or cricket etc is getting to be down right annoying to say the least. It seems to me that unless your life revolves around watching some people chase a ball of some shape or size around a patch of grass also of some shape or size and then spend half their time rolling on the floor gripping their leg coz the opposition looked at them in a funny way and they think they can get something out of it is booorrrriiiinnnnnng... and if they're not chasing a ball they're driving round in circles for hours on end. I just wish that the tv producers would not assume that everyone has access to sky or digital tv so that we can get other shows... I for one am one of those people who can't afford to pay X amount per month for the joy of not having sport every second of the day and what do they give us if they deign to put something else on? Reruns of Little House on the Prairie and some kids shows (if ya lucky).
Just for once I'd like to see them cut short the sport in favor of a normal show and not the other way round.

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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2002

My favorite author

I've have now managed to get my friend in the US addicted to my favorite author!! smiley - biggrin

Who's that I hear you ask... (well maybe ya not but I'm gonna say anyway!!) It's Terry Pratchett!! The man is a scifi/fantasy genius in my opinion!!

I became addicted to his dry wit when I was 13 yrs old thanks to a friend who shall remain nameless - PAUL CHURCH - Ha ha ha

He slyly mixes modern ideas such as movies (the Fifth Element) to create hilarious books (the Fifth Elephant) smiley - winkeye

Throw in wizards from the Unseen University (feels like where I work!!) DEATH riding his white charger called Binky and various dwarves, trolls, witches including the ubiquitous CMOT Dibbler standing for Cut My Own Throat Dibbler - who would sell his grandmother if it made a profit and there's laughs and guffaws abounding.

I myself was reading one of his books on a bus and the seat was hiding the book, I was laughing outloud as I read and I looked up to find that people were moving away from me. Obviously thinking, that I was the local nutter sat in a corner laughing at some joke that no one else heard or understood!! smiley - blush

Anyway... for those who haven't tried his books, I suggest you start at the beginning with The Color of Magic and work forward, it's worth the odd looks on the bus!! If you hold no store for books then there's a couple of videos out, so you've no excuse!!! smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Mar 5, 2002

Bullying in the Workplace

I've now come to hear that yet again a single manager has harassed and bullyed a member of staff so much that they have decided to leave. She has been directly responsible for at least 7 people leaving one area. She has told me that I am not allowed to be creative and that I wasn't allowed to be friends with a member of staff she was having problems with and who has subsequently left the here for a lesser paid job for which they have to commute across by ferry to get there, just to be away from this manager. This I believe is tantamount to bullying, but the management are all pally with her so no complaints are taken seriously. If this manager takes a dislike to a staff member, their life is made as hellish as possible by giving them demeaning jobs to do or by giving the "like minded" members of the staff the time off and expecting the ones she doesn't like to cover them with no prior warning. I believed there to be a law against work place bullying but this doesn't seem to matter if the higher management think the bully is gods gift to life itself does it??

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Latest reply: Feb 26, 2002

Wasting Paper Whilst Using Computers

Sitting here at work in a college in the South Coast, I am hit by the needless waste of paper. The students (and an awful lot of the staff!!) do not seem capable of using the print preview button in front of them and then find that the work they have done is not how they want it until AFTER they have printed out 20+ pages. Then they come to me and say this looks all wrong. I have to fix the pages and then they print out yet another 20+ pages, flinging the first pile onto a desk and thinking no more about it. They would be the first to complain if they were charged for all the pages not used but would soon learn not to use the print preview. The toner cartridges and paper do not come cheap and are not grown in the college greehouses for free as they seem think but everytime I say use the print preview it goes on one ear and out the other.

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Latest reply: Feb 25, 2002

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