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better days

Post 81


yer got married at 17 we seperated wen i ws 18-19 but we are still really good friends we just we not ment to be togther like that

better days

Post 82


Sorry to hear that. 17 sounds very young. Good that you still get on.

smiley - hug

better days

Post 83


i kicked him out, and i was 8 months pregnant, and no i dont have baby any more long story you really dont want to hear it but every thing is fine now.

how about you any in the closit secrets???

better days

Post 84


smiley - yikes Fair enough. If you ever wanna talk about it, you know where I am.

Skeletons in the old closet? Not really, or at least not on h2g2! smiley - biggrin

I broke up with my long term girlfriend three months ago. which sucked. Together for 7 years. Lived together for 18 months.

better days

Post 85


long time going there oh and you still not sent me a text im getting quite worried that you dont want to

better days

Post 86


Sorry about that. Will send one soon. what network are you by the way?

better days

Post 87


vodaphone u??

better days

Post 88



better days

Post 89


deary deary me i used to be orange untill i realised just how good vodaphone are

better days

Post 90


I think they are as bad as each other. I like orange cos of the 24 hour replacement insurance.

Right, I'm off to the gym now. I'll speak to you tommorow.

smiley - hug

better days

Post 91


ok then hun have fun smiley - smooch

better days

Post 92



smiley - hug

better days

Post 93


morning hunny
sleep well??
smiley - kiss

better days

Post 94


Took a while. Had to get up a roll a spl*ff to help. Was programming drums till about 1am. The intitial track sounds great though. Really pleased with it.

What did you get up to?

better days

Post 95


i went round my mums for t scared the living hell out of my sister i walked in the door and she legged it up to me saw my hair screemed and fell over. it was so funny but i had dinner round there stayed till 9.30 and then went home.

better days

Post 96


How old is your sis?

better days

Post 97


14 now got shes getting old what about you any sibling

better days

Post 98


Yup, younger Bro. Nearly 22. Engaged to be married next year. Just recently bought a house. smiley - yikes I thought I was the responsible one.

smiley - erm

better days

Post 99


oh my god tell him not to do it hes too young nooooooooooooooo i cant let another young life go down the pan like that

oh mate thats to young man you cant seriously let him do it

better days

Post 100


Well he seems happy. I'm alone and unhappy. So what do I know really?

I was really against it at first but since I broke up with my girlfriend, and can see that when you've got a good thing going you should give your all. I wish I had.

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