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It's that darn cat!

Post 1

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Hi, I thought i'd better start another thread as that was Loup Dargent's space we were chatting on, well i've been on hols today but its back to the grind tomorrow smiley - blue i've enjoyed it though was out shopping and for a meal on Sat with my mate and I had some vouchers left from Christmas so I got some new perfume and didn't need to spend any money, can't be bad eh!

How are you doing?

smiley - love S

It's that darn cat!

Post 2


i always get mixed up with which pages im writing

im great thanx.
i've just had a lazy day im just haviaving a browse on here while my other half and his mate are in the back room.
enjoying the peace while i can heehee.
just as long as they're not talking about me aye lol.
well i i had some tokens too spend up until my daughter lost them for me as they do.x

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