This is the Message Centre for WestMidsBabe

help me babe lol

Post 1


your page is really good hun,how do i get the links on ang the the 'go'also the large box to top of the day to you i'm Slob smiley - hotdogsmiley - ojsmiley - hotdogburrrrrrrrrprrrrplol

help me babe lol

Post 2


lol i was w8i w8in 4 sum1 too ask me that lol i had probs myself i will dentent u the codes ru on pc or settopbox??i tend too use p.c now as its easier..ur best bet is prob tootoo get an ace too help you outsmiley - hug

help me babe lol

Post 3


top of the morning to you hun
sure i am on a pc,how can i help you slob4u mwah smiley - hotdogsmiley - titsmiley - ojsmiley - roseall4u

help me babe lol

Post 4


morning m8smiley - hug
how ru?

help me babe lol

Post 5


i am well u?smiley - hotdogsmiley - burgersmiley - hotdogsmiley - oj

help me babe lol

Post 6


im ok thx m8 bit bored though.
wots ur asl??smiley - hug

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