This is the Message Centre for WestMidsBabe

Hello kelly

Post 1

Researcher 242292

Hey, welldone Kell smiley - ok I see you've got the hang of it now, give it a few weeks and you'll know the codes for everything on ere. Good job smiley - applause

smiley - love Buffy x

Hello kelly

Post 2


lol im gettin there stace slowly..oh hun i told carl bout ya word hun he sez too ask u if u've been doing ur updates..oh n sez get on yahoo messanger so we can chat with u..hso he can cya on our webcam..

Hello kelly

Post 3

Researcher 242292

you seem to be doing quite well so far smiley - smiley

Can you ask him, what updates does he mean?

Everytime i try to get onto any yahoo pages it wont let me for some reason smiley - erm

Hello kelly

Post 4


im gettin the hang of it m8 gona start coming on here on pc it may be be easier..i'll ask him 2 email u bout word hun..wish u could get on yahoo co cuz its pretty good n carl was askin me 2 get ya on

Hello kelly

Post 5

Researcher 242292

Yeah you need be on pc after a while caus you run out of space on digibox I kept loosing my BODY and GUIDE when i was editing but on pc theres no limit on space so its a lot better.

Say thanx to Carl for me hun x

smiley - love Buffy x

Hello kelly

Post 6


oh i see i wondered y i kept losing mine ow i know..its easier on pc neway cuz ya can copy n paste stuffcantya...its much dya go any good sites on ya pc then hun??wot pc u got??we got a pentium 4

Hello kelly

Post 7

Researcher 242292

4 lucky for some lol mines the computer equivilent to a snail a pentium 1 lol.

Yeah I found loads of cools sites, mostly Buffy, Angel and Magic related ones, youre probably not into all that sorta stuff though are you?

Think it's time you kicked Carl of that pc en it lol

smiley - love Stace x

Hello kelly

Post 8


lol stace im tryin it on pc now while he's asleep ru hun??

Hello kelly

Post 9


stace wheres the edit page button on pc hun??i cant find it

Hello kelly

Post 10


i found it now hun lmao

Hello kelly

Post 11


its a lot easier on pc hunsmiley - smiley

Hello kelly

Post 12

Researcher 242292

lol yeah I know, you've got that lovley back button aswell so you can get back to stuff aswell, its so much better en it smiley - smiley

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