This is the Message Centre for WestMidsBabe


Post 141

Researcher 242292

You ent the only one on your own babs smiley - wah lol single parent's life is a drag en it lol but have to just keep smiley - smiley and hope that one days we may have a life again lol one not devoted to blimin kids lol smiley - biggrin


Post 142


yeah we sure do stace smiley - smiley ..but 1 day we will find some1 2 smiley - love us ..but sometimes its hard when we got kids 2 find smiley - lovesmiley - wah sob xxx


Post 143

Researcher 242292

God don't I know it, people see you've got kids and they dont bother even trying to get to know you or nothing do they? smiley - sadface Oh well nevermind as long as we've got our friends en it smiley - smiley

smiley - love Stace x


Post 144


yeah thats true smiley - wah sob xx @ least we,ve got friends stace smiley - hugs u back xxx


Post 145

Researcher 242292

receives smiley - hugs with thanx smiley - biggrin


Post 146


oi oi stacey,,, ru hun??love kell n carl xxxx

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