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I Barrow!
Z Started conversation Aug 13, 2009
I hope that your review is going well - I guess it must be a stressful time for you.
I just had a lovely evening having my evening jog around Whalney Island and I thought I should tell you that I love Barrow!
I'm paying a pittance in rent, I'm near some really nice stuff, the town is dirt cheap, it's fantastic. And they're all lovely at the hospital as well.
I Barrow!
Natalie Posted Aug 17, 2009
Hello Z!
All's well here - MOT was excellent, a very positive exercise. Actually really looking forward to what comes from their recommendations, which isn't something I'd expected to be saying last week! How are you doing?
Oh BRILLIANT re Barrow! I've been back there since I spoke to you about it - took some friends with me and they all loved it too! I sort of got a new appreciation for the place.
Wow an evening jog around Walney? Which bit? Where in the town are you living? I'm from North Walney, my old school is the one next to the (Irish) sea). If you're near some really nice stuff, I'm thinking Furness Abbey...actually you must have seen the Abbey if you're at the hospital!
Glad it's going so well!
I Barrow!
Z Posted Aug 17, 2009
I'm living in the town centre - just in one of the 2up 2downs around the town centre, so everything's very central. It's basically the sort of lifestyle that would be very expensive in London.
I've been to the Abbey a few times - I can see it from my office window, and got drunk in the Brown Cow in Dalton a few more times.
Running to Walney I get as far as Walney itself and go over the bridge and collapse.
I Barrow!
Natalie Posted Aug 17, 2009
Aw great. I find it really odd when I'm there that it's so easy to get everywhere quickly, and there are no queues anywhere!
The Brown Cow - excellent! They used to do the most wonderful vegetable curry in there.
The good thing about collapsing at the end of Jubilee Bridge (I'm namedropping now) is that there's a taxi rank exactly to your left.
I Barrow!
Z Posted Aug 17, 2009
It is a convient place to live, thought it must be dreadful to be a teenager here. Unless you like hillwalking there isn't a lot to do. It wans't anyone's first choice to come here, so usually someone off the rotation gets moved here.
But it's lovely. I could stay, but both the geriatricians here are rather young and unlikely to retire in the next 5 years..
I Barrow!
Natalie Posted Aug 18, 2009
Ah yes...I think you've hit the nail on the head. As a teenager... It's actually improved a lot since I was a teenager. Bands used to only play Barrow to protest against Trident.
After that, the range of jobs is limited. There need to be more geriatricians! (Have you tried Grange-over-Sands? They must need loads!)
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I Barrow!
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